Pastured Meats • Farm Stays • Golden Retriever Puppies

Month: January 2017

Our Shift to Grass-Fed: Why We Changed Our Model

We started the planning and initial building of our farm in 2006. The first tasks were acquiring land, saving some moolah for inputs, solidifying funds for the initial herd purchase, and preparing the land for our soon to be first group of yearling heifers.  Among all that, we researched, researched, researched… and worked boo-coos of extra hours covering our basis. Have I mentioned that starting a business is no small feat? 

We finally bought our first herd in Spring 2007. 

At the time we bought our herd, we were conventional farmers with a concentration in grass-based. What does that mean? 

It means we raised our cattle on pasture but still used medicines, vaccines, conventional feeds, and hay grown with fertilizers, etc. We were far from organic and definitely not sustainable. Continue reading

It’s Not What I’d Envisioned

It was a cool morning on March 27, 2012. I awoke from my slumber, leaped from my cozy bed and ran to the smudged farmhouse window. In slight shimmer of the first peeks of sunshine at dawn, I could see them. The first lambs ever to be born on our farm. 

I squealed to Brooks, “They’re here! They’re here!” 

I ran outside, [phone] camera in hand, and gazed upon what I could only see as a miracle. Our first flock, having been on our farm a mere 5 months, were starting to lamb. I’d seen a baby sheep before in movies, magazines, and the state fair. The preciousness that they are met all of my expectations and then some when they resided at my own farmstead. Their little ‘baas’ were delighting

Spring was upon us and this little moment in time was just the beginning.  Continue reading

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