How do we build a farm dream?

One step at a time. There you have it. That’s how we’re doing it. Rocket science, isn’t it? You’re now sitting in the midst of your ‘ah-ha’ moment! Like, ‘That’s it! She just said exactly what I’ve been missing.’


I know that my saying we’ve been doing this thing one step at a time is nothing too inspirational. But, it’s realty and I think embracing it will launch you into building your business protocol wisely.

The Comparison Trap

In trying to figure out this whole farm biz thing, I studied and reflected on the stories of farms that were or are “making it”. They have a comparable model of operation as us but somehow they seem to be killing it in the finance and business sense. They preach the farming gospel that they make a comfortable living off their farm and “here’s how”. Continue reading