After long hours of discussion, prayer, and practicing our visionary skills, we decided to take the plunge. We worked through budget planning, negotiations, and weeks later we closed.
We still aren’t sure what we will do about the house itself. With it being so rich in history, it is our hope to renovate. But, that may not be feasible. For now, we will preserve the home as best as possible to buy some time to think it through, obtain a few quotes, get a structural engineer out there, etc.
In our decision making process, the location and land were the big deal to us. We tend to invest in things we understand. For us, our go to investments of choice are real estate and our own businesses so that we can have more control over how our money is managed.
We’ve Lost Our Ever-Lovn’ Minds
After searching all over for a farm of our own, we found one that makes our hearts full of joy. This little nugget is close in, holds great soil, and lots of potential.
At this point, we are either the craziest farmers alive or we are discovering a bravery we didn’t realize we had. Perhaps a little of both.
My father in law (Brooks’ dad) shows it best… His face and stance are absolutely priceless here… HA! Yes, Brett, your son and daughter in law are freaking crazy as all get out… We’ve lost our ever-lovn’ minds.

We know the Lord has great plans for this place.
On New Year’s Eve, our Pastor challenged us with this…
Goals & New Year’s resolutions that can be done independent from God are not worth having. ~Pastor Brian~
Very fitting for what we are about to embark upon. That will be our life this year. God has worked in ways that we can’t even fathom. This year will be no different.
Discovering Treasure
We also did a little research and found that, unbeknownst to us, we were buying a piece of history! Remember our dream farm punch list?? Historical value was preferred but not required.
In the words of Shaye Elliot,
“Shiny stuff doesn’t nearly do it for me like history does.”
Well said, my fellow farm girl. Well said.
The Virginia Department of Historical Resources put together an Architectural Survey of Cumberland County in 1994. In that study, they described our new farmhouse and included a couple pics dating back to when the study was completed.
The area in general was once known as Sunny Side. It was a small train town in Central Virginia and the house itself served as that town’s Post Office and Hotel from 1856 to 1954! Whoa! At some point, the railroad was purchased by France. The track was take up and shipped across seas.
After that, the post office wasn’t needed anymore.
Standard to the structure’s era, there wasn’t an indoor kitchen. Kitchens were often built in a separate structure away from the main home. Thankfully, they were able to get a picture of that structure before it was dilapidated to the point of removal. The porch is also gone (hence the pieces of siding missing in the “father in law” picture above).
The really neat thing is that the foundation of the kitchen building is still there and intact… under a bunch of overgrowth, of course.
History wasn’t the only thing we discovered these last few months. We also found a few more surprises on the property…
Related Links:
A Cumberland Farmhouse: the Dream, the Drive-By, & the Land
A Cumberland Farmhouse: Seeing the Interior for the First Time
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